Saturday, November 22, 2008

Disgusting plastic society.

I hate the smell of everything in Bath and Body Works. Call me what you what but everything is disgusting. Truly... disgusting. Half the stuff smells like straight chemicals or what my grandmother's house smells like after it's been cleaned. Malls in general are just places where too many bad things mix. Too much noise, too big, too many people.... Just too much going on. You spend your time whirring your head around trying to take everything in. And you miss out on why you went in the first place, because the sale in Old Navy has caught your attention.
You go in and spend twice as much as you had planned. Then you pop into a bunch of overly glamorous, over the top places that shout for attention.
Hunger pains and your grumbling stomach then decide to kick in. You head to the food court. Bad plan. It's like standing in a cosmetic aisle trying to decide the best product. Fifteen restaurants come into view. The usual stuff. Sushi, pizza, two Italian restaurants and an Indian place. Of course there is a person with free samples wandering down the crowded walkway, trying to make it that they are the best possible decision. All the smells, delicious on their on, melt into a gagging aroma.
You walk past an ice cream stand on the way to get pasta salad from a group on non-English speaking workers. Then you change your mind. You want pizza, do you? You are still unsure about it. This is crazy! Spending 10 minutes to decide over what will take you 5 minutes to eat.
Pizza it is. With extra cheese and mushrooms. Ahh.. the sweet taste of caloric intake. But now it is time for dessert. Oh no! More deciding time! You were already supposed to have gone in, gotten done what was needed and left... an hour ago. Well, I guess it's ok. You don't really have plans for the afternoon and your friend did change her plans to tag along at the last possible second.
Nothing like the taste of a day-old, cold cookie to break up your thoughts, as you wonder why you would buy such a thing in the first place.
Well, you think, I'd best get what I need. How I hate Christmas shopping. They push the season too much, its no longer religious, it's commercial.
A new razor you know your husband won't open, Ipod's for the kids, a mortgage loan for your house due to what you end up spending...
Ah! They long day is finally over, what did it take, 3 hours?
Getting into your mini van you scold yourself for being to frivolous.

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