Monday, July 6, 2009

alternate personalities

A sense of sadism mixed with insecurity. Fueled by a life of predetermination, not one of choice. A driving force of independence to break free from whatever reality was spawned by imagination.

Spending my time needing to try and say the things that have meaning. But words cannot be used for that. So my time is wasted in part. Doubting myself and purging my beliefs to try and remain natural, so it goes. Unless what goes on in my mind is far from reality, how would I know?

Necessary confusion and unnecessary worry, my true desires seeming impossible.
Such is life.

Calm. Letting life’s river take me where it needs to for all things in life one cannot control. Accidents give us identity. Forget.

No one is free from error. Forgive.
Do not judge yourself for you are like all others and share the common links you hate yourself for.

Relax with the knowledge that idolization often occurs unnoticed.

Life will continue with or without you so just go along with all that is and all that will be. Throw in existentialism. Give me indifference.

Nothing will matter. Only the great heroes will be remembered. Fell free to fumble and fall like all others have before you. Remember you are one in eternity. There is no perfection.

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