I need a good hook. Something about a lust for money and the banality of human nature.
And I knew that my biology grade would falter. Memorization for cell structure I do not deem necessary, and it may be within my denial that I cannot master the subject.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Unlearning Truth
Socrates argues that perfection only exists as an idea and that truth is also an idea. If truth is only perception, since it only exists as an idea, does it exist in our realm?
Throughout history, many dictators and other powerful leaders have imposed genocide on certain groups of people. Most recently, we have discussed good and evil. The concept of good and evil can also be looked at from a perspective of truth.
They view their destruction as following orders or finding a solution to a problem. That is their belief, shared, often, with others. Each person possess a different philosophy on a situation, a different viewpoint. Each differs enough that there is no unity, no common truth.
When a person does a task that is deemed evil, the explanation they provide is a simple one. One that does not account for their actions usually, and one that does not demonstrate their knowledge of the horrors they have committed. For each group, even for each individual, their view on “truth” differs. If you were to interview witnesses of an accident, each would have a different account. The accident itself was one solid event, certain things occurred certain ways, but those details are lost in the explanations.
The definititon of truth has twelve definitions.
truth /truθ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [trooth] Show IPA ,
–noun, plural truths /truðz, truθs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [troothz, trooths] Show IPA . 1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.
2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.
3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.
4. the state or character of being true.
5. actuality or actual existence.
6. an obvious or accepted fact; truism; platitude.
7. honesty; integrity; truthfulness.
8. (often initial capital letter) ideal or fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience: the basic truths of life.
9. agreement with a standard or original.
10. accuracy, as of position or adjustment.
11. Archaic. fidelity or constancy.
—Idiom. in truth, in reality; in fact; actually: In truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire.
None of these really clairfy and it is never helpful to have the word itself in the definition.
Socrates argues that perfection only exists as an idea and that truth is also an idea. If truth is only perception, since it only exists as an idea, does it exist in our realm?
Throughout history, many dictators and other powerful leaders have imposed genocide on certain groups of people. Most recently, we have discussed good and evil. The concept of good and evil can also be looked at from a perspective of truth.
They view their destruction as following orders or finding a solution to a problem. That is their belief, shared, often, with others. Each person possess a different philosophy on a situation, a different viewpoint. Each differs enough that there is no unity, no common truth.
When a person does a task that is deemed evil, the explanation they provide is a simple one. One that does not account for their actions usually, and one that does not demonstrate their knowledge of the horrors they have committed. For each group, even for each individual, their view on “truth” differs. If you were to interview witnesses of an accident, each would have a different account. The accident itself was one solid event, certain things occurred certain ways, but those details are lost in the explanations.
The definititon of truth has twelve definitions.
truth /truθ/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [trooth] Show IPA ,
–noun, plural truths /truðz, truθs/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [troothz, trooths] Show IPA . 1. the true or actual state of a matter: He tried to find out the truth.
2. conformity with fact or reality; verity: the truth of a statement.
3. a verified or indisputable fact, proposition, principle, or the like: mathematical truths.
4. the state or character of being true.
5. actuality or actual existence.
6. an obvious or accepted fact; truism; platitude.
7. honesty; integrity; truthfulness.
8. (often initial capital letter) ideal or fundamental reality apart from and transcending perceived experience: the basic truths of life.
9. agreement with a standard or original.
10. accuracy, as of position or adjustment.
11. Archaic. fidelity or constancy.
—Idiom. in truth, in reality; in fact; actually: In truth, moral decay hastened the decline of the Roman Empire.
None of these really clairfy and it is never helpful to have the word itself in the definition.
Socrates states no truth exists in the realm of change and decay. That is our world. He says there is only perception. That makes sense to be, seeing as “truth” or what we call truth varies per person. That means we all have perception but then would we have to change out definition of perception to truth? But it’s not truth. But our eyes intake things that we do not see. So even that works with theory. Our mind interprets our visual blind spots. So everything is inaccurate. Woah. Truth requires goodness. Does that mean there is no goodness at all? So are all humans inherently evil? This is getting off topic, but I am curious. So does it mean that since there is no truth, nothing is as it seems?
Today was the continued debate of truth and reality. We began a story about truth. More or less, the plot was that of an execution in a penal colony. I still, as 2
Today we discussed Sisyphus and his obvious snide behavior towards the gods. In an almost mockery, he continues to push the rock, knowing he will fail. The gods are angered that they cannot defeat his spirit. They can punish him, but are unable to change his mentality. I agree this story is still applicable to modern times. Many people resist authority, or whatever. Blatant disregard, you can punish but you can’t defeat a person’s will. It is human nature at its simplest form.
Today was a debate of Disney’s princesses, heroism, and punk music. Let alone black and thrash metal. Oh, and somewhere in between we talked about Socrates and his belief that knowledge is born with us. We know tings already and only need to remember them. Sounds plausible. Maybe. Well, what I want to know is if that happens, how does one account for learning disabilities? Our brain refuses to be at its best, to know all it can know? One of these days I am determined to take this up with Socrates. It is proven that as a general rule, girls are better at English and boys are better at math. Do some genders only know certain things? Are we all born with the same knowledge? Or the same capacity to remember? What happens with Alzheimer’s, where our brain looses memory? Is this a case of the slate being wiped clean again? Humans are against an unstoppable force. We will never remember fully. Due to this, we will never being as knowledgeable as we can be. I wonder if this is the case. It all sounds rather unfortunate, just enough for it to be true.
Today was a discussion of characters acting as catalysts in a story. We thought of works such as “The Great Gastby”. We also discussed how when we are born, we loose our knowledge. We all come from a place full of all knowing and forget it when we come into the world. It’s all rather thought provoking. The poem itself is by Wordsworth. Irionic last name. It’s an excerpt from "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood" I summarized the basic point to the piece already. The line “Heaven lies about us in our infancy!” really stands out to me. I think it is simply a great line. He states that life is similar to a prision. I am taking this as heaven is only availble to the dead, having nothing to do with good actions or positive lifestyles. This is an interesting point, along with the apparent fact that children are all knowing. I am taking it that innocence and knowledge are relative. Ahh, so many points to think about.
Today was the discussion that art is the only true form of knowledge and truth. This is a bvit warped, does that mean artists are all knowing? That would be pretty nice. It’s rare, ecspecially in this country that anoyone thoinks of the artists. Art is looked at as a form of entertainment. I never did agree with that. In any case, how would one go about intrepreting the truth or knowledge in a work of art? A lot of artists are a bit wack in the head. I don’t even mean cutting off your ear or painting with your mustache. I mean we are all a bit nuts. In any case, I think it is a point to consider, with or without the melting clocks. It is all so cryptic though. Perhaps humans are doomed to search for the truth. Have I mentioned this before? It seems déjà vu to me.
Can good come from evil? What good happened after the Holocaust? I mean, history is bound to repeat itself. I don’t think any good came from it. Genocides only exterminate, they cause no good. Khmer Rouge, Final Solution, Darfur, Apartheid in South Africa. What good came of these horrific events? Nothing I can think of. People suffered. Everyone complains about what they have. It seems to me that there is evil and enough good to prevent us from all going insane. If you contend with too much evil, you most likely will go insane. It all seems so pessimistic. Is death the good for our suffering and contending with evil? Is death the answer to our problems? That leads to wondering if the only point to life is to contend with evil. Wow.
All of my files have been deleted. Awesome. I hate technology. Bravo on my part for at least backing this all up. Well, here I am thinking about a poem I read.
It is called "Spring and Fall:to a Young Child" This title, at first glance, bore no meaning to me. Then it was brought to my attention of looking at it as spring and fall, the actions, not the seasons. Today was my first glance at a second meaning in writing. I don't mean this as I haven't looked for meaning behind words, I mean it as words a as group. If that makes any sense. I also haven't had time to give poetry much thought. As for the poem, an adult speaks to a young child about leaves falling off trees. One day the child won't care about the leaves, understanding without the emotional display. The poem tied to man's loss of innocence and the cycles of behavior.
"From The Republic of Conscience" by Seamus Heaney
I read this poem today and immediately thought of going on a trip to Ireland. The poem seemed filled with superstition. I like it though. I am taking it literally for the moment, but not for long. I like the display of human nature that I often don't seem to find in poetry. The old man in the homespun coat. Good visuals. People, their daily lives. Their beliefs. It is all displayed in this poem.
Today we read a speech by Martin Luther King. It was his acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize. Alfred Nobel, who was he? You hear names of something you know nothing about. Conscience and what it means. Will the world be a better place if people followed it more? I wish I knew. My thoughts are all twisted up. And King wanted equality between races, do we even have it now? I cannot tell. I know there is racism still.
"The More Loving One" by WH Auden was today's reading. We talked about what is worse than indifference in man. Is there anything? Can indifference be the root to the majority of our problems? No care for anything, thus no morals for any act done under this mindset? It seems feasible, or is it plausible? For me, the last stanza is a bit like accepting evil in the world, if used in a different context. The darkness of despair, of knowing no hope exists in the world. How awful of a concept. Then again, what if things are like that now and we are blind to it? It may be best to admire that which will change steadily, but slowly.
Art. We looked at Manet's painting. It was of a famous prostitute, which is the only reason people wanted the work taken down. What categorizes it as art instead of porn? Its intention? It seems so. It is interesting thinking about people's mindsets on a topic. I am an artist, so I guess my point on it is jaded. Then again, if you have no knowledge, do you have a write to discuss art? Do artists have to train to be considered artists? Or is anyone with a message deemed worthy? I agree the artwork's background influences us, but should it? Should only certain things influence us and others we ought to ignore?
Does art invoke a sense of irresponsibility in its viewers? Can it bring out the wrong reactions in its viewers. I personally think everyone should be educated as much as possible before being subjected to something new. That might control poor reactions. Not that I am a fan of control but I guess some of it necessary. I do think people need education because I think a lot of problems are caused by ignorance. If you look at society, it does seem to be that way. With art, it is easy to dismiss, and I think it is not as much of a danger as some other facets of society. I do think things have improved since I learned about art. It has a new meaning for me.
Summary of Poetics
Artists and poets deal in the possible. History is only the past, philosophy is only the logical approach to things. Art covers all areas.
We learn universal truth about human nature through art. Finally, an explanation I can cope with. Thank you Aristotle, you have improved my day. Now I do art for a purpose, though art is still my rock. I can envision things.
Socrates states no truth exists in the realm of change and decay. That is our world. He says there is only perception. That makes sense to be, seeing as “truth” or what we call truth varies per person. That means we all have perception but then would we have to change out definition of perception to truth? But it’s not truth. But our eyes intake things that we do not see. So even that works with theory. Our mind interprets our visual blind spots. So everything is inaccurate. Woah. Truth requires goodness. Does that mean there is no goodness at all? So are all humans inherently evil? This is getting off topic, but I am curious. So does it mean that since there is no truth, nothing is as it seems?
Today was the continued debate of truth and reality. We began a story about truth. More or less, the plot was that of an execution in a penal colony. I still, as 2
Today we discussed Sisyphus and his obvious snide behavior towards the gods. In an almost mockery, he continues to push the rock, knowing he will fail. The gods are angered that they cannot defeat his spirit. They can punish him, but are unable to change his mentality. I agree this story is still applicable to modern times. Many people resist authority, or whatever. Blatant disregard, you can punish but you can’t defeat a person’s will. It is human nature at its simplest form.
Today was a debate of Disney’s princesses, heroism, and punk music. Let alone black and thrash metal. Oh, and somewhere in between we talked about Socrates and his belief that knowledge is born with us. We know tings already and only need to remember them. Sounds plausible. Maybe. Well, what I want to know is if that happens, how does one account for learning disabilities? Our brain refuses to be at its best, to know all it can know? One of these days I am determined to take this up with Socrates. It is proven that as a general rule, girls are better at English and boys are better at math. Do some genders only know certain things? Are we all born with the same knowledge? Or the same capacity to remember? What happens with Alzheimer’s, where our brain looses memory? Is this a case of the slate being wiped clean again? Humans are against an unstoppable force. We will never remember fully. Due to this, we will never being as knowledgeable as we can be. I wonder if this is the case. It all sounds rather unfortunate, just enough for it to be true.
Today was a discussion of characters acting as catalysts in a story. We thought of works such as “The Great Gastby”. We also discussed how when we are born, we loose our knowledge. We all come from a place full of all knowing and forget it when we come into the world. It’s all rather thought provoking. The poem itself is by Wordsworth. Irionic last name. It’s an excerpt from "Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood" I summarized the basic point to the piece already. The line “Heaven lies about us in our infancy!” really stands out to me. I think it is simply a great line. He states that life is similar to a prision. I am taking this as heaven is only availble to the dead, having nothing to do with good actions or positive lifestyles. This is an interesting point, along with the apparent fact that children are all knowing. I am taking it that innocence and knowledge are relative. Ahh, so many points to think about.
Today was the discussion that art is the only true form of knowledge and truth. This is a bvit warped, does that mean artists are all knowing? That would be pretty nice. It’s rare, ecspecially in this country that anoyone thoinks of the artists. Art is looked at as a form of entertainment. I never did agree with that. In any case, how would one go about intrepreting the truth or knowledge in a work of art? A lot of artists are a bit wack in the head. I don’t even mean cutting off your ear or painting with your mustache. I mean we are all a bit nuts. In any case, I think it is a point to consider, with or without the melting clocks. It is all so cryptic though. Perhaps humans are doomed to search for the truth. Have I mentioned this before? It seems déjà vu to me.
Can good come from evil? What good happened after the Holocaust? I mean, history is bound to repeat itself. I don’t think any good came from it. Genocides only exterminate, they cause no good. Khmer Rouge, Final Solution, Darfur, Apartheid in South Africa. What good came of these horrific events? Nothing I can think of. People suffered. Everyone complains about what they have. It seems to me that there is evil and enough good to prevent us from all going insane. If you contend with too much evil, you most likely will go insane. It all seems so pessimistic. Is death the good for our suffering and contending with evil? Is death the answer to our problems? That leads to wondering if the only point to life is to contend with evil. Wow.
All of my files have been deleted. Awesome. I hate technology. Bravo on my part for at least backing this all up. Well, here I am thinking about a poem I read.
It is called "Spring and Fall:to a Young Child" This title, at first glance, bore no meaning to me. Then it was brought to my attention of looking at it as spring and fall, the actions, not the seasons. Today was my first glance at a second meaning in writing. I don't mean this as I haven't looked for meaning behind words, I mean it as words a as group. If that makes any sense. I also haven't had time to give poetry much thought. As for the poem, an adult speaks to a young child about leaves falling off trees. One day the child won't care about the leaves, understanding without the emotional display. The poem tied to man's loss of innocence and the cycles of behavior.
"From The Republic of Conscience" by Seamus Heaney
I read this poem today and immediately thought of going on a trip to Ireland. The poem seemed filled with superstition. I like it though. I am taking it literally for the moment, but not for long. I like the display of human nature that I often don't seem to find in poetry. The old man in the homespun coat. Good visuals. People, their daily lives. Their beliefs. It is all displayed in this poem.
Today we read a speech by Martin Luther King. It was his acceptance speech for the Nobel Prize. Alfred Nobel, who was he? You hear names of something you know nothing about. Conscience and what it means. Will the world be a better place if people followed it more? I wish I knew. My thoughts are all twisted up. And King wanted equality between races, do we even have it now? I cannot tell. I know there is racism still.
"The More Loving One" by WH Auden was today's reading. We talked about what is worse than indifference in man. Is there anything? Can indifference be the root to the majority of our problems? No care for anything, thus no morals for any act done under this mindset? It seems feasible, or is it plausible? For me, the last stanza is a bit like accepting evil in the world, if used in a different context. The darkness of despair, of knowing no hope exists in the world. How awful of a concept. Then again, what if things are like that now and we are blind to it? It may be best to admire that which will change steadily, but slowly.
Art. We looked at Manet's painting. It was of a famous prostitute, which is the only reason people wanted the work taken down. What categorizes it as art instead of porn? Its intention? It seems so. It is interesting thinking about people's mindsets on a topic. I am an artist, so I guess my point on it is jaded. Then again, if you have no knowledge, do you have a write to discuss art? Do artists have to train to be considered artists? Or is anyone with a message deemed worthy? I agree the artwork's background influences us, but should it? Should only certain things influence us and others we ought to ignore?
Does art invoke a sense of irresponsibility in its viewers? Can it bring out the wrong reactions in its viewers. I personally think everyone should be educated as much as possible before being subjected to something new. That might control poor reactions. Not that I am a fan of control but I guess some of it necessary. I do think people need education because I think a lot of problems are caused by ignorance. If you look at society, it does seem to be that way. With art, it is easy to dismiss, and I think it is not as much of a danger as some other facets of society. I do think things have improved since I learned about art. It has a new meaning for me.
Summary of Poetics
Artists and poets deal in the possible. History is only the past, philosophy is only the logical approach to things. Art covers all areas.
We learn universal truth about human nature through art. Finally, an explanation I can cope with. Thank you Aristotle, you have improved my day. Now I do art for a purpose, though art is still my rock. I can envision things.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
High School (full version)
High school: all the things you hate about your life spawned into reality. It's a bit like an acid trip, but only some of the people are on drugs. The noise can get deafening, time seems to freeze, and, of course all the equally annoying things you learn to ignore. They kind of become the melody of daily life; buzzing, slamming, people talking at, instead of to each other. That reminds me, have you noticed the temperature is never comfortable? It's like a real version of Goldilocks without the talking bears.
This education, deemed necessary, becomes a place to practice your survival tactics, in a manner of ways. You rush through it half-heartedly, oblivious at times, often intentionally.
It becomes a way to numb yourself through.
If you do stop for a moment, say, as a way to take as long as possible to get to your next class, you begin to notice the things you tune out. Graffiti, unidentifiable substances, and mysterious odors, suddenly spring out at you, as if waiting in the shadows for you to notice them. Then you spy the sickening glare of the fluorescent lights on the tile. You question why they bothered to use tile in the first place. Cost effective, or as a way to enhance the dungeon-esqe feel?
You suddenly snap out of your reverie because some oaf with an over-active pituitary gland slams into you and, without hesitation, continues on his way.
The joys of daily life.
So you advance to class, with your newly bruised shoulder. You couldn't care any less about this class, but you care about school so you attend it. So you sit slouched and listen to a man as old as the history you're learning about, talk about something you don't need to know. Shifting a bit, the seat won't give. Oh, right! No freedom to move in those horrid desk-chair offspring. Something guaranteed to drive you mad.
Or has it already happened?
Cynical. That’s how I’d describe myself in three words or less. I observe though. I sit and I watch. Or I crack jokes that get the nerdy kids to break a smile.
I don’t look forward to anything, and no, I’m not suicidal, abused, or anything else for that matter. I’m sorry I don’t fit your teenage stereotype. I’m just who I decide to be that morning. Keeps things fresh. I shock, I amaze, I just plain freak the hell out of people at times. It gives me my kicks.
Yes, I’m still stuck under the fluorescent lights that could make Heidi Klum seem ugly. Or whomever you want, you get my point.
That oaf who crashed into me the other day, I saw him again, near knocked over one of the freshman. Poor kid. And of course he kept on going, like nothing happened. I hope karma bites him in the ass.
Yea, I sound harsh, whatever. I can’t be bothered to spend all my time self reflecting. There are too many tests for that to happen. Ha! Standardized tests are to blame for society’s inability to give a shit. Sorry. I’m in a weird mood. A weirder mood than usual that is, not that you can tell.
I gotta admit, I’m jealous of the people who complain they are normal and boring. Ain’t nothing like my friends. The art freaks. I have a love-hate relationship with this bunch. Lately, they have just made me queasy. It’s nice being able to have an innuendo free conversation. Then again, art and insanity seem to go hand in hand. I wonder if it’s possible to be creative and not cut your ear off. Okay, so maybe not that drastic, but all the famous artists were either blind or insane. And most of them got famous after they died. How bleary.
So I guess my plan is to act like a nut, paint melting clocks with my mustache, if I can grow one being a girl, then die poor. Or something like that. That’s what I’ve got to work with so far. Yeck!
You’re wondering why I talk this way about art? Well I already told you I’m cynical. And there are only so many times you can watch people stroke jars of applesauce or have knife fights in the middle of the art room. Sounds fun to you doesn’t it? Madness is amusing.
Gahh! I don’t know. I don’t know what I want. I’m getting pressure from every source because I don’t know where to go to college. And then there are the ACTs and the SATs. I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast.
You’re not listening are you?
This education, deemed necessary, becomes a place to practice your survival tactics, in a manner of ways. You rush through it half-heartedly, oblivious at times, often intentionally.
It becomes a way to numb yourself through.
If you do stop for a moment, say, as a way to take as long as possible to get to your next class, you begin to notice the things you tune out. Graffiti, unidentifiable substances, and mysterious odors, suddenly spring out at you, as if waiting in the shadows for you to notice them. Then you spy the sickening glare of the fluorescent lights on the tile. You question why they bothered to use tile in the first place. Cost effective, or as a way to enhance the dungeon-esqe feel?
You suddenly snap out of your reverie because some oaf with an over-active pituitary gland slams into you and, without hesitation, continues on his way.
The joys of daily life.
So you advance to class, with your newly bruised shoulder. You couldn't care any less about this class, but you care about school so you attend it. So you sit slouched and listen to a man as old as the history you're learning about, talk about something you don't need to know. Shifting a bit, the seat won't give. Oh, right! No freedom to move in those horrid desk-chair offspring. Something guaranteed to drive you mad.
Or has it already happened?
Cynical. That’s how I’d describe myself in three words or less. I observe though. I sit and I watch. Or I crack jokes that get the nerdy kids to break a smile.
I don’t look forward to anything, and no, I’m not suicidal, abused, or anything else for that matter. I’m sorry I don’t fit your teenage stereotype. I’m just who I decide to be that morning. Keeps things fresh. I shock, I amaze, I just plain freak the hell out of people at times. It gives me my kicks.
Yes, I’m still stuck under the fluorescent lights that could make Heidi Klum seem ugly. Or whomever you want, you get my point.
That oaf who crashed into me the other day, I saw him again, near knocked over one of the freshman. Poor kid. And of course he kept on going, like nothing happened. I hope karma bites him in the ass.
Yea, I sound harsh, whatever. I can’t be bothered to spend all my time self reflecting. There are too many tests for that to happen. Ha! Standardized tests are to blame for society’s inability to give a shit. Sorry. I’m in a weird mood. A weirder mood than usual that is, not that you can tell.
I gotta admit, I’m jealous of the people who complain they are normal and boring. Ain’t nothing like my friends. The art freaks. I have a love-hate relationship with this bunch. Lately, they have just made me queasy. It’s nice being able to have an innuendo free conversation. Then again, art and insanity seem to go hand in hand. I wonder if it’s possible to be creative and not cut your ear off. Okay, so maybe not that drastic, but all the famous artists were either blind or insane. And most of them got famous after they died. How bleary.
So I guess my plan is to act like a nut, paint melting clocks with my mustache, if I can grow one being a girl, then die poor. Or something like that. That’s what I’ve got to work with so far. Yeck!
You’re wondering why I talk this way about art? Well I already told you I’m cynical. And there are only so many times you can watch people stroke jars of applesauce or have knife fights in the middle of the art room. Sounds fun to you doesn’t it? Madness is amusing.
Gahh! I don’t know. I don’t know what I want. I’m getting pressure from every source because I don’t know where to go to college. And then there are the ACTs and the SATs. I can’t even remember what I had for breakfast.
You’re not listening are you?
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Friday, February 13, 2009
"You know want I want to do? I want to join a monastery. I want to join a monastery and bake bread."
"You'll have a red light moment. You'll be at a red light on County Line road, at one in the morning, coming home from a wedding. And you'll have a moment of insight. Email me. But you have to be in your twenties, mid to late twenties. Just say 'Mullen I get it.'"
"You'll have a red light moment. You'll be at a red light on County Line road, at one in the morning, coming home from a wedding. And you'll have a moment of insight. Email me. But you have to be in your twenties, mid to late twenties. Just say 'Mullen I get it.'"
Monday, February 9, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
I have never condoned being off topic in class. Now I am doing it myself. Damned hypocrite. It's been a long week.
What have I learned? Everything is absurd and that there is only a point to something if we find it. So I have yet to find a point ot all of this. We have choice, supossedly. I guess I chose to go to class, but do I benefit?
I'm more lost now than I ever was before.
Do I write? What's a plausible career for an economic time such as this? This country is one that does not value art. Frustration. Worry fills me too. How did I do on my SATs? I need to clean my room/house/mind. It's intense.
I never have time. I say that, but I do have time. Time where I sit and think about how I am wasting my time. Things die out but you still have to go on. Give me two weeks and I'll have forgotten most things. Except more of the embarassing things I have done or encountered. I ramble. Again. I also talk to much. Maybe I'm trying to say something valuable and only crap comes out.
I think about earlier, talking to someone who lives in a house of free and open conversation. How our lives are contrasted.
Looking over my laptop, I see my philosophy teacher imitating how a punk band would cover Britney Spears. Amusing. My day is like a sandwich. The bread, the first and end class stink. The middle classes are great. Art and philosophy, how much better does it get?
Hugh and What Army, a great name for a punk band, apparently.
Says the man for Havertownia.
Well, I guess this counts as a circular free write. I need to work on more actual stories. Hah, now there's an unlikely occurence.
Since I have set this tone as random, here is a thought I am brooding over ( as I try to spiff up my vocabulary). If we are all human, and all have dislikeable traits, why do we dislike our traits? Isn't it ridiculous to dislike one for one's action, when we ourselves do things bothersome too?
Now one could argue that cursing some one off for cutting in front of you is annoying, but we all get angry at times. We enjoy flicking through channels but when someone else does it, they are a pain in the ass.
What have I learned? Everything is absurd and that there is only a point to something if we find it. So I have yet to find a point ot all of this. We have choice, supossedly. I guess I chose to go to class, but do I benefit?
I'm more lost now than I ever was before.
Do I write? What's a plausible career for an economic time such as this? This country is one that does not value art. Frustration. Worry fills me too. How did I do on my SATs? I need to clean my room/house/mind. It's intense.
I never have time. I say that, but I do have time. Time where I sit and think about how I am wasting my time. Things die out but you still have to go on. Give me two weeks and I'll have forgotten most things. Except more of the embarassing things I have done or encountered. I ramble. Again. I also talk to much. Maybe I'm trying to say something valuable and only crap comes out.
I think about earlier, talking to someone who lives in a house of free and open conversation. How our lives are contrasted.
Looking over my laptop, I see my philosophy teacher imitating how a punk band would cover Britney Spears. Amusing. My day is like a sandwich. The bread, the first and end class stink. The middle classes are great. Art and philosophy, how much better does it get?
Hugh and What Army, a great name for a punk band, apparently.
Says the man for Havertownia.
Well, I guess this counts as a circular free write. I need to work on more actual stories. Hah, now there's an unlikely occurence.
Since I have set this tone as random, here is a thought I am brooding over ( as I try to spiff up my vocabulary). If we are all human, and all have dislikeable traits, why do we dislike our traits? Isn't it ridiculous to dislike one for one's action, when we ourselves do things bothersome too?
Now one could argue that cursing some one off for cutting in front of you is annoying, but we all get angry at times. We enjoy flicking through channels but when someone else does it, they are a pain in the ass.
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